We are committed to sustainability.

We strive to stay sustainable by...

Staying local. Our business model is based on provided services for urban areas and keeping density within the downtown Seattle and Bellevue areas. Staying committed to these areas allows us to control our carbon footprint by reducing vehicleemissions and fuels.

Reducing Noise pollution. Respecting residence and businesses by having the ability to performing most of our daily base services with non-gas powered equipment. Our leaf blowers, line trimmers and push mowers are all battery powered. Not only does this allow us to perform our work during normal business hours with significant reduction in noise, especially during leaf season, but it also reduces our use of fossil fuels and emissions.

›Water Management. Having an irrigation system is vital to keeping any landscape not only alive, but keeping it healthy and attractive. These systems require constant monitoring for proper operations along with making seasonable adjustments and repairs. Poor management can become extremely expensive either by over or under watering. Over watering can be costly by not only water usage but by causing bed washouts, death to plants and building infiltration.  Under watering can of course cause mortality to turf and plants. Our staff has extensive knowledge of spray and drip systems. We make irrigation system testing and monitoring a priority during each site visit.

›Reducing “Green Waste”. Selective hand pruning (no gas powered sheers) of trees and shrubs to normal growth patterns reduces the amount of waste removed from sites. The practice of mulching grass clippings not only reduces the amount of green waste removed from the site but also provides vital nutrients back into active soils.

›Maintaining soil fertility. Performing regular soil testing allows us to assemble site specific organic fertilization programs for turf and shrubs. Prescribing amendments such as compost or mulches to protect soils and plant roots.

›Natural IMP (Integrated Pest Management) services. Performing the above services on our sites promotes a healthy landscape that will not require the use of pesticides and allow a natural approach to managing plant diseases and insects.

We are committed to communicating with our clients.

Maintaining our motto of “Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it” ensures our clients expectations and our own commitments are being met. We understand the partnerships we have agreed to partake in and strive to exceed expectations.

In today’s ever changing andfast paced world, Horticultural Elements understand our clients need for a proactive informative approach on issues or requests. Keeping with our business model of density, we ensure a knowledgeable staff member is never far away to assist and or monitor their site. During these weekly monitoring visits not only are we making sure quality is being maintained, but we are also looking ahead to tasks that are to be performed on the next site visit and the tasks that need to be addressed in the coming months. These service plans are documented and forwarded to our respective clients for their review and sharing within their own communication circles.

We are available for weekly, monthly or quarterly walk through inspections with our point of contact or HOA board members and we absolutely encourage these meetings. During these visits we make sure to discuss our action plans, bring proactive proposals and enhancements and also general information regarding landscape practices relative industry information that is related to each site. Education of our clients about our industry is imperative to our success.